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Friday, July 16, 2010

Save some money and help the planet by buying recycled auto parts

You see a car being towed from an accident and think it’s destined to become an environmentally unfriendly pile of rusting junk? Think again. It’s actually a source of reusable parts that can easily offer years of service to another motorist.

In fact, auto recycling is the ultimate environmental choice. No other product on earth is recycled to a greater degree than the automobile. Not only does it keep a flood of dangerous toxins from being released into our ground and water, it prevents unnecessary use of valuable landfill space. And by reducing the need for new parts to be manufactured, you’ll be preserving scarce natural resources and cutting down on pollution.

As an example, take a look at the top 15 automotive parts searched for via, the search engine that powers the Ontario Auto Recyclers’ Association web site (found by clicking on “Find Green Parts Now” at

1. Engine assemblies
2. Transmission/transaxle assemblies
3. Wheels
4. Headlamp assemblies
5. Front Bumper assemblies
6. Front Door assemblies
7. Fenders
8. Hoods
9. Side view Mirrors
10. Tail lamps
11. Rear Bumper assemblies
12. Decklids/Tailgates
13. Air Bags
14. Electronic Engine Control Modules
15. Rear Door assemblies

Also, the average price for a used part in good working order is about half the cost of a new one. When it comes to an engine assembly or transmission assembly worth more than $1,000, the savings can truly add up.

And, you can rest assured that the part you’re looking for is top standard. OARA auto recyclers ensure the quality and reliability of the parts they sell. During the dismantling process, every part is inspected and tested so only those that meet strict guidelines and tolerances are offered for resale. Some parts, such as engines and transmissions, may be remanufactured while other parts, such as lights and wheels, may be reconditioned.

As parts are inventoried, the model year and mileage of the vehicle they came from are recorded to provide information about the condition of the part you're purchasing.

One thing to keep in mind – many recycled parts remain attached to their vehicle until the part is sold, so you may have to wait—typically just a day or two—before you actually get your part.

To find a recycling centre near you visit

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